Author: Adriane Herrick Juarez Page 5 of 18

129. Libraries and the First Amendment with Deborah Caldwell-Stone

There’s no denying that these days librarians all over the nation are grappling with questions regarding the First Amendment and the legal ramifications of challenges in our libraries to intellectual freedom. On this show, Deborah Caldwell-Stone, the Director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and Executive Director of the Freedom to Read Foundation, shares essential information about libraries and the First Amendment. While Deborah is an attorney, she cannot offer legal advice or legal counsel. Please take the information shared on this show as information only, as a guideline to start a conversation with your own legal counsel. 

128. Selecting Your Yes with Intention with Rebekah Cummings

How do we engage in work that is intentional and makes the best use of our limited time and energy? On this show Rebekah Cummings, Digital Matters Interim Director at the University of Utah Marriott Library, talks about Selecting Your Yes with Intention in order to do good things in our communities while also taking care of ourselves and engaging in work that best utilizes our capacities.

127. Logic: Back to the Basics with Heath Stanfield

Have you ever wondered how to help customers navigate information in an age of so many people making so many claims? On today’s show Heath Stanfield, Manager of the McAlester Public Library in Oklahoma, takes us back to basics to examine classical models of logical fallacies that can help us help our customers find high-quality information.

126. Emotional Intelligence in Library Leadership with Jennifer Nelson

In leading our libraries towards success how can emotional intelligence play a role? On this show Jen Nelson, State Librarian of New Jersey, shares how our capacity to know ourselves, appropriately express our emotions, and handle our work relationships with empathy makes us more effective – and how this is accessible to everyone.

125. Providing Supportive Management for People with Disabilities with Katie Manwiller, Sammy Peter & Kiyomi Deards

Katie Manwiller, Sammy Peter & Kiyomi Deards

How do we provide supportive management for people with disabilities in our workplaces? On this show Katie Manwiller, Education Librarian & Assistant Professor at West Chester University Libraries in Pennsylvania, Sammy Peter, Chair of Research and Instruction at the University of Wyoming, and Kiyomi Deards, Chair of the Libraries Faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln talk about what we need to know to support people of all abilities working in our organizations.

124. Decentering Ourselves, Empowering Others with Erin Leach

What benefits might we see working on projects and supporting teams if we are able to decenter ourselves and empower others? On this show Erin Leach, Head of Administrative Projects and Organizational Effectiveness at University of Georgia Libraries, talks about what it takes to be an effective leader who puts others forward to create successful outcomes.

123. Managing Change When You’re Not in Charge with Catherine Soehner

What do we do when things are changing around us but we are not the ones in charge? On this show Catherine Soehner, Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah, talks about the dynamics of change and how we can react according to our roles, all the while influencing the change process for better results.

122. Successfully Managing Volunteers with Maggie Rose

How can we successfully manage volunteers in our libraries? On this show Maggie Rose, PR & Marketing Associate at the Barberton Public Library in Ohio, shares strategies for success on how to recruit, integrate, and recognize volunteers and even thoughts on what to do if something goes wrong.

121. How to Be Generous Without Being a Doormat with Kiyomi Deards & Leo Lo

How can we operate effectively in the workplace without overextending? On this show Kiyomi Deards, Chair of the Libraries Faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Leo Lo, Dean and Professor at the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences at the University of New Mexico, talk about how to be generous without being a doormat. Thinking about ways to align actions with appropriate boundaries and priorities can help all of us be more effective in our work.

120. The 8 Dimensions of Wellness for Librarians

How often do we think to ourselves that if we only had time for wellness we could do so much better in our careers? On this show Laura Summers – Associate Clinical Professor and Program Leader for Leadership in the P-12 Libraries Program at the University of Colorado, Denver – talks about the 8 Dimensions of Wellness for Librarians. A commitment to taking care of ourselves truly can benefit us and our organizations.

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