169. Examining Sexual Harassment in Libraries with Candice Benjes-Small & Jennifer Resor-Whicker

Pictured: Jennifer Resor-Whicker & Candice Benjes-Small

Have you ever wondered about the extent of sexual harassment of librarians in the workplace? On this show, Candice Benjes-Small, Head of Research at William & Mary Libraries, and Jennifer Resor-Whicker, University Librarian at Radford University, discuss their research on this topic. It’s a conversation that opens the door for broader work on what can be done to combat sexual harassment in our field.

168. Navigating Building Projects with Toni Lombardozzi

Do you have a building improvement or construction project coming up and want solid steps to make it a success? On this show Toni Lombardozzi, Project Manager at the Charleston County Public Library, shares how to navigate building projects in various stages. This information is helpful as many of us find ourselves tasked with changing, upgrading, or building to meet the evolving needs of our communities.

167. Retaining Employees Through Stay Interviews with James Pugh

James Pugh

How can you understand employees in a way that creates better retention and engagement? On this show James Pugh, Director at the Cedar Springs Public Library, talks about Retaining Employees Through Stay Interviews. It’s a way to help improve the workplace for staff so they will want to stay and help serve our communities.

166. Bridgebuilding in Libraries with Jennie Garner, Shamichael Hallman, and Tara Susman-Peña

Tara Susman-Peña, Shamichael Hallman, and Jennie Garner

Have you wondered if there are ways for your library to engage your community in promoting civic engagement and bridging differences? On this show Jennie Garner, Director of the North Liberty Library, Shamichael Hallman, Director of Civic Health & Economic Opportunity for the Urban Libraries Council and the author of Meet Me at the Library, and Tara Susman-Peña, Senior Technical Expert for IREX, talk about the Bridgebuilding in Libraries Program and how all of us can engage in work that helps bring communities closer together.

165. Using VR to Highlight Library Collections with Beryl White-Bing & Trina McCowan

Beryl White-Bing & Trina McCowan

Do you have hidden gems in your library collections that you would like to highlight by developing immersive VR experiences? On this show Beryl White-Bing, Virtual Learning Librarian at the Thomas G. Carpenter Library at the University of North Florida, and Trina McCowan, Director of Library Services for the Proctor Library at Flagler College, share valuable information about how they went about featuring the life and work of Eartha M.M. White through an immersive online experience. It’s an inspiring story that can help us all bring to life treasured stories from our collections.

(Right-click then download to print)

164. Harnessing the Power of AI: Collaboration, Community, & Communication with Melissa Del Castillo

What does your library need to harness the power of AI? This show is the second of a two-part series on AI with Christoper Jimenez, Web Services Librarian, and Melissa Del Castillo, Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian, both with Information & Research Services at Florida International University Libraries. On this show, Melissa discusses Harnessing the Power of AI through collaboration, community, and communication. 

163. Harnessing the Power of AI: Literacy and Frameworks with Christopher Jimenez

What does your library need to harness the power of AI? This show is the first of a two-part series on AI with Christoper Jimenez, Web Services Librarian, and Melissa Del Castillo, Virtual Learning & Outreach Librarian, both with Information & Research Services at Florida International University Libraries. On this show, Christopher discusses Harnessing the Power of AI through Literacy and Frameworks.

162. Discussing The Experimental Library with Cathryn Copper

How do we embrace experimentation in libraries to adapt to our rapidly changing professional landscape? On this show, Cathryn Copper, Head of the Eberhard Zeidler Library in Ontario and the author of The Experimental Library, talks about how we can all use experimental techniques to create success in our organizations.

161. Mentoring as Part of Succession Planning with Ann Marie Barrett & Maggie Mills

Pictured: Ann Marie Barrett and Maggie Mills

What can your organization do to embrace mentoring as part of succession planning? On this show, Ann Marie Barrett, Manager of the Bingham Creek Branch, and Maggie Mills, Manager of the Whitmore Branch, with Salt Lake County Library, talk about everything to consider when making mentoring part of your succession planning.

160. Empowering the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem with Kristine Cook & Rachel Fuller

Pictured: Rachel Fuller & Kristine Cook

How can our libraries support small businesses and nonprofits? On this show, Rachel Fuller, Information Services Manager, and Kristine Cook, Manager of the Adult Services Division for the Main Library, with the Columbus Metropolitan Library, share how they are Empowering the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in their library system and how you can, too. 

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