So, here’s an interesting question. If a population is underserved, and possibly not even coming into the library in the first place, how do we serve them? Or, maybe they are coming in and we are not quite sure how to best meet their needs.
There are always opportunities to ask unique populations what is most important to them and then work to break down barriers in order to serve people well. On today’s show, I talk Dr. Bobbie Bushman, Assistant Professor at the Emporia State University School of Library and Information Management.
She has a strong background in serving populations such as the deaf community, incarcerated individuals, children with disabilities, homeschoolers, and homeless individuals. She shares the importance of serving underserved populations and provides ways that we all can initiate this focus, which ultimately benefits the whole community.
- The referenced Emporia video: https://video.emporia.edu/
- Lucky Ones Coffee: Link
- The Blackbelt Librarian: Link