Tag: Book Bans

152. Spreading Literacy, No Walls Needed with Vashalice Kaaba

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Vashalice Kaaba

We often talk about leading library services from within libraries. But what do you do if you want to provide library services and don’t have the luxury of four walls? On this show Vashalice Kaaba, PhD Candidate of Information Studies at Florida State University, talks about spreading literacy, no walls needed. She was inspired by work she did in the Peace Corps in Uganda spreading literacy and saw similar needs in the U.S., so developed a project called “Library in a Box” that addresses the pressing issue of literacy access in underserved communities.

Support for the Uganda Wanyange Primary School Community Library Project can be provided at https://givebutter.com/KfV8XA.

Vashalice Kaaba’s recommended library leadership book: The Experimental Library

129. Libraries and the First Amendment with Deborah Caldwell-Stone

There’s no denying that these days librarians all over the nation are grappling with questions regarding the First Amendment and the legal ramifications of challenges in our libraries to intellectual freedom. On this show, Deborah Caldwell-Stone, the Director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and Executive Director of the Freedom to Read Foundation, shares essential information about libraries and the First Amendment. While Deborah is an attorney, she cannot offer legal advice or legal counsel. Please take the information shared on this show as information only, as a guideline to start a conversation with your own legal counsel. 

103. Dealing with Book Banning with Tracie D. Hall

We have all heard a lot lately about the waves of book bannings happening across our country, reaching levels not seen in decades. What exactly is the American Library Association seeing out in the field? On this show Tracie D. Hall, Executive Director of the American Library Association, shares what is driving these efforts at book banning, what materials are being most challenged, why reporting censorship is vital to protecting the freedom to read, and what actions we can all take to protect the freedom to read.

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