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109. Navigating Middle Management with Amanda Scull

How do we navigate the role of middle management that so many of us find ourselves in at one time or another in libraries? On this show Amanda Scull, Head of Education and Information Services at Dartmouth College Biomedical Libraries, shares why this can be a tough spot to be in and ways to handle the dual position of day-to-day operations plus administrative responsibilities. This conversation gives practical steps that all of us can use for navigating middle management.

108. Successful Job Searches with Bill Humbert

What does it take to achieve successful job searches? On this show Bill Humbert, Chair of the Park City Library Board in Utah, shares inside knowledge from 40+ years as a national recruiter. With so many changes taking place in the current job market this is invaluable information.

107. Coaching in the Workplace with Vera Keown

Taken By Empire Photography –

If you could find a way to support others in your organization, increase engagement, and improve performance and commitment all while deepening levels of understanding would you do it? On this show Vera Keown, Organizational Development Librarian at the University of Manitoba, talks about Coaching in the Workplace and what we can do to successfully implement skills that make these kinds of benefits possible.

106. Change…Change More…Change Again with Lynn Hoffman

How can we manage change when it is so frequent in libraries? On this show Lynn Hoffman, Director of Operations at the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey, shares the brain-based reason why when we are asked to change, then change more, then change again we can feel a high level of resistance. While it can be an exciting time as libraries reimagine ourselves, this episode teaches us how to avoid change overload.

105. Winning Team Culture with Amy Stalker

What can you do to create a winning team culture in your organization? On this show Amy Stalker, Associate Department Head at the Dunwoody Campus Library at Georgia State University, talks about ways we can develop a team culture that helps us want to go to work and helps make work a place where our teams want to be.

104. Kind Leadership with Dr. Sarah Clark

Have you ever wondered what the application of kindness can do in our library practices? On this show Dr. Sarah Clark, Dean & University Librarian at La Salle University and Founder of the Kind Leadership Guild and the Kind Leadership Challenge Podcast, opens up about how a crisis in her own leadership caused her to do a deep dive into kind leadership, what it is, and how we can all challenge ourselves to grow in this realm for the betterment of our organizations.

103. Dealing with Book Banning with Tracie D. Hall

We have all heard a lot lately about the waves of book bannings happening across our country, reaching levels not seen in decades. What exactly is the American Library Association seeing out in the field? On this show Tracie D. Hall, Executive Director of the American Library Association, shares what is driving these efforts at book banning, what materials are being most challenged, why reporting censorship is vital to protecting the freedom to read, and what actions we can all take to protect the freedom to read.

102. Great Resignation Succession Planning with Carolyn Schubert

What does your organization need to do to prepare for succession planning? On this show Carolyn Schubert, Director of Research and Education Services at James Madison University Libraries, shares ways we can prepare for organizational change and why now is the time to begin thinking about this.

Leadership Books: Outliers & So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Geetha Murali Leadership Book Recommendations:

“Room to Read has found that it really is about our network. We are a movement that has grown up from a family of individuals—and individuals within companies around the world that have supported our cause. The concept I’m speaking to, you can read books like the Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, or So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport, they talk about this idea of hard work and focus. I really do believe that hard work has been what has paved my trajectory.

Of course, there are things like serendipity and the goodwill of good people along the way that has helped incredibly. I wouldn’t be here without all of them. But in the end, putting in the time to gain the skills and the knowledge, and like I was saying, just as importantly the relationship that Room to Read needs to move ahead is really what I’m focused on. I think that notion that the learning never ends is what continues to drive us forward.”

Buy the books:


So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Listen to Geetha’s full episode:

Recommended Books: Tribes – We Need You to Lead Us

LLP Episode #5: Kris Johnson 
“So, if I may, I have two things I could mention here that are inspirational to me but I’ll be really honest with you, I don’t tend to read a lot of books about leadership, particularly like library leadership. But, I find myself drawn to other sources of inspiration.

One book that you may be familiar with but that I have found myself drawn to in the past five or so years is by Seth Godin, and it’s called Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. The thing I like about this book is, like all of Godin’s books, they are super easy to read. And, the premise is very simple. The premise is that tribes are groups of people connected to each other, to a leader and to an idea. What he really does in this book is emphasize that almost everyone can be a leader.

But, most of us are kept from realizing our potential by fear of criticism or fear of being wrong. Then if you’re drawn to being a leader but you ignore that opportunity to lead, you risk turning into what he calls a sheepwalker, which is someone who fights to protect the status quo at all costs. I think that is what aligns with my thinking about design thinking is that if you’re a design thinker you’re definitely not going to become a sheepwalker.

Another recent source of inspiration from me isn’t necessarily a book, but it’s a person. I’ve attended several presentations given by a designer named Jon Kolko. His last name is spelled K O L K O. He actually has several writings out there that are super inspirational. He’s written some books and actually, I mentioned Harvard Business Review earlier, he has some really good pieces in the Harvard Business Review, most recently one called, Design Thinking Comes of Age.

This is a really good piece because in it he advocates a set of principles collectively known as design thinking which are empathy with users, a discipline of prototyping, and a tolerance for failure, is the best tool we have for creating the kinds of interactions our users need.

And, that in turn we can apply the design thinking to help develop a responsive and flexible organizational culture. That’s what really resonated with me was that his focus on corporations as needing responsive flexible organizational cultures and how design thinking could help with that. I really wanted to make that connection to the work we do in libraries, as well.”

Buy the Book: Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us.

Listen to Kris’ full episode:

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