Author: Adriane Herrick Juarez Page 9 of 18

92. Trauma-Informed Service with Tiffany Russell

How does trauma impact the lives of those we serve in libraries? On this show I speak withTiffany Russell. She’s a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has worked in libraries delivering trauma-informed service. She shares what a trauma-informed approach can look like in assisting people and creating safe spaces for everyone—along with what resources, partnerships, and advocacy we need to do this work.

91. Staff Equity and Inclusion Training: An Award-Winning Program with Rosy Wagner

How do we implement award-winning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training in our libraries? On this show Rosy Wagner, Lifelong Learning Librarian for the Burlington County Library System, shares what her organization did to win the EBSCO Information Services Library Staff Development Award to do just this. It’s something from which we all can learn.

90. Beating Burnout with Amanda Moore

Have you ever experienced stress and burnout in the workplace? These can take a huge toll on all of us, yet we don’t often take the time to work on ways to overcome this. On this show Amanda Moore, Library Stress and Management Consultant, shares ways we can beat burnout. It’s an important topic that I hope everyone in libraries will tune in for. Enjoy the show!

89. Fast-Tracking Your Professional Reputation with Megan Hodge

What are the benefits of developing your professional reputation in libraries? On this show, Megan Hodge, Head of Teaching and Learning at Virginia Commonwealth University, shares ways that we can get our work and names out in the profession along with how this can help our careers.

88. Utilizing Organizational Performance Information with Dr. Larry Nash White

How do we ensure our libraries perform well and make informed decisions about strategic direction? On this show, Dr. Larry Nash White, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Library in Oklahoma City, discusses how organizational performance information successfully guides the accomplishment of our mission, vision, and goals.

87. How to Talk So Your Boss Will Listen with Sunnie Scarpa

On this show we get tips from Sunnie Scarpa, Library Director of the E.C. Scranton Memorial Library in Madison, Connecticut—who shares ways to talk so your boss will listen with dos and don’ts, how to prepare for conversations, how to create fresh starts, and even tips for the bosses themselves.

86. So You Want to Be a Manager? with Austina Jordan

So, you want to be a manager? Or, maybe you already are a manager and want to do the best job possible in your management practice. Then this show is for you. On this episode of Library Leadership Podcast I speak with Austina Jordan, Head of Access Services at the University of North Georgia, who helps us explore the essentials of management including ways to integrate adaptive leadership, set expectations, fairly apply policies, and even avoid common mistakes we can make as managers. Ultimately, we want happy employees. This episode will help us get there. References for Management in Libraries:

85. Library Code of Ethics with Annie Gaines

The Library Code of Ethics—it’s foundational to our profession. Yet, how often do we stop to think about what those are, how they affect staff, and ways that we create our policies and procedures using these ethics? On this episode we do just that speaking with Annie Gaines, Continuing Education Consultant for the Idaho Commission for Libraries. She shares all of this plus information on a new article that’s been recently added to the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics.

84. User Experience with Lauren Stara

What is User Experience and how can it help us support our communities? On this show I speak with Lauren Stara, Library Building Specialist for the State of Massachusetts. She shares what is behind the User Experience movement and how getting out of our own heads and into those of our users can lead us to advancements that will take our libraries with fresh eyes into the future.

83. Fighting for Library Funding with Jennifer Henecke

It is the email you hope to never get. Your library funding is on the chopping block. What are we to do when something like this happens in our library? On this episode I speak with Jennifer Heneke, Chief Engagement Officer at St. Joseph Public Library in Indiana. She shares what happened when this scenario came to pass in her organization and how they fought back, plus the lessons that were learned that can help all of us in libraries.

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