Author: Adriane Herrick Juarez Page 12 of 18

62. Effective Annual Reports with Patrick Bodily

Does developing an annual report for your library make you nervous? If so, you’re not alone. But, fear no more. On this show I talk with Patrick Bodily, Library Director of Independence Public Library in Oregon. He shares ways we can make an impact with our annual reports and gives pro tips on how to share our stories in ways that are eye-catching and understandable. There will be lots of impactful annual reports coming out for those who listen in.

61. Library Management 101: A Practical Guide with Lisa Hussey

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a guide to library management in a nutshell? On this show, that’s what you’ll get as I talk with Lisa Hussey, Associate Professor at Simmons and editor of the book Library Management 101: A Practical Guide.

It’s all here: how to deal with change and conflict, planning and decision-making, communication, and even respect in the workplace. Whether you’re a current manager or perhaps looking at going into management this information will prove invaluable. 

60. The Healing Library: Developing Nontraditional Lending for Trauma Assistance with Megan Emery

Have you ever had the need in your library to assist families after periods of trauma? On this show I speak with Megan Schadich, Creator of the Healing Library.

Her organization creates resources for libraries to help trauma, recognizing that families can build their own journey of healing with quality experiences and materials at their libraries. From dealing with the death of a loved one or a pet, to handling Alzheimer’s, to coping with the myriad of emotions surrounding COVID-19 the resources that Megan shares will help libraries help families.

59. Planning for the Unplanned with Miriam Kahn

How do we plan for the unplanned? Before recent occurrences, this question may have felt less urgent. But now, it’s clear that life is coming at us fast and that it helps to be as prepared as we possibly can. On this show, I speak with Miriam Kahn, MLS, MA, PhD, author of Disaster Response and Planning for Libraries.

She shares ways to implement planning even if we don’t know what’s coming around the corner. Miram Kahn on Disaster Recovery and Resumption in the wake of COVID-19:

58. Advocacy Now: Why Trustee, Foundation, and Friends Support Counts More Than Ever with Beth Nawalinski

Does library advocacy feel more important than ever to you right now? On this show, I speak with Beth Nawalinski, Executive Director of United for Libraries a division of the American Library Association.  She shares that now is always the time for advocacy.

There is a certain sense of urgency as we work to recover from the pandemic. Working with trustees, foundations, and Friends groups can provide essential support in the current environment. Beth provides intentionality and tools to help all of us work together to help our libraries.

United for Libraries Website: Link

57. The Mentoring Process with Ginger H. Williams

Ginger H. Williams

Have you ever had someone in your career that has helped you navigate your way through the profession? Whether yes or no, mentoring is a process that can benefit us all. On this show, I speak with Ginger H. Williams, Associate Dean for Academic Engagement and Public Services at the Wichita State University Libraries.

She shares how mentoring is a unique process that can be formal, informal, or even self-directed. Whether you’ve had a mentoring experience and want to think about the ways it works best for our profession, or are looking to engage in the mentoring process this information will prove invaluable. 

56. Managing Remotely in the Time of Coronavirus with Candice Benjes-Small

Are you wondering how you can navigate quickly shifting realities and expectations during the Coronavirus Pandemic? On this show I talk with Candice Benjes-Small, Head of Research Services at William & Mary Libraries in Williamsburg, Virginia.

When her university moved her team to remote work, she realized she’d need new strategies to support her colleagues in this time of crisis. The thoughts she shares in this conversation are valuable as we all face the struggles of managing in these unprecedented times.

55. Developing Libraries as Human-Centered Spaces with Jeff Davis

How can we make our libraries human-centered community assets? Find out on this show as I talk with Jeff Davis, Library Planner and Designer at Architectural Nexus.

Jeff believes architecture is about people not buildings. You won’t want to miss this discussion as he shares how an inclusive community approach to designing our libraries can make our facilities achieve great reach and relevance. 

54. Taking Care of Ourselves with Jenn Carson

As librarians, how many times do we tell people what we do and have them say, “Oh, that’s nice. It must be so relaxing?” While it may be cliché, I bet we’ve all heard this a time or two. The truth is that library work can take its toll. On this show, I talk with Jenn Carson, Director of the LP Fisher Public Library in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Canada.

She is a yoga teacher, a positional therapist, and the author of Yoga and Meditation at the Library: A Practical Guide for Librarians . She’s also the creator of Whether you are knotted up over work, personal issues, or politics this show teaches how we can take care of ourselves and unwind. 

53. Presentation Warm-Up with Victor Baeza

As presenters, research says that an audience will develop an impression of us within 15 seconds. If we’re giving a presentation and fail to have a great opening, people will basically tune us out. We are asked to present all the time in libraries to stakeholders, governing bodies, in programs, and to one another.

On today’s show, I speak with Victor Baeza, Graduate Initiatives and Engagement Coordinator and Business Librarian at Oklahoma State University. He shares excellent ways to warm-up your audience to ensure successful presentations, something we all can use.

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