84. User Experience with Lauren Stara

What is User Experience and how can it help us support our communities? On this show I speak with Lauren Stara, Library Building Specialist for the State of Massachusetts. She shares what is behind the User Experience movement and how getting out of our own heads and into those of our users can lead us to advancements that will take our libraries with fresh eyes into the future.



83. Fighting for Library Funding with Jennifer Henecke

It is the email you hope to never get. Your library funding is on the chopping block. What are we to do when something like this happens in our library? On this episode I speak with Jennifer Heneke, Chief Engagement Officer at St. Joseph Public Library in Indiana. She shares what happened when this scenario came to pass in her organization and how they fought back, plus the lessons that were learned that can help all of us in libraries.

82. Playing On the Same Team with The Friends of the Library with Krista Riggs

We are rebuilding from Covid-19. Given all that we have been through, how do we prepare for the future together with our Friends of the Library? On this show I speak with Krista Riggs, Director of the Madera County Library in California. She shares the ways we can create a sense of alignment between the Library and the Friends of the Library, and how being intentional in the development of this relationship let’s us all play for the same team.

81. Dismantling Disinformation with Barbara Alvarez

What is the role of libraries in dismantling disinformation? Libraries have long held public trust and been cornerstones for providing reliable information sources. On this show I speak with Barbara Alvarez, instructor and author of Embedded Business Librarianship for the Public Librarian. She shares the importance of libraries leading the way in dismantling disinformation by describing what it is and giving a background on the roots of disinformation, as well as how to partner within our communities to take on the disinformation-dismantling role through the creation of actionable and purpose-driven engagement in this area. It is an important topic for everyone to consider. 

80. Grant Writing 101 with Julie Edwards

How do we effectively engage in grant writing as librarians? On this show, I speak with Julie Edwards, Librarian and Instructional Designer with Niche Academy. She shares practical steps and strategies for our libraries for writing grants, and even what to do when you don’t get one.

79. The Importance of Strategic Planning with Stu Wilson

Stu Wilson

We all know that strategic planning is important. But how do we do it effectively? On this show I speak with Stu Wilson, Principal Consultant with Library Strategies Consulting Group. He shares insights on strategic planning and what it does for our organizations. We talk about why the process of writing a strategic plan is important and how to have success while avoiding missteps.

78. Implementing High Tech Amenities with Trish Hull

Adriane Herrick Juarez with Trish Hull

How do we integrate high tech amenities into our libraries? On this show I go on-site at the new Kearns Library in Utah, a branch of the Salt Lake County Library System, where I talk with manager Trish Hull. Trish has built a new 35,000 square foot facility chock full of the latest technology to serve her community—from a culinary arts kitchen, to VR goggles, to 3D wood cutters, to programmable robots. You’ll find it all in this stunning new library. I talk with Trish about how to get stakeholders on board with new tech offerings in libraries and how to integrate tech services into our buildings and with employees, and provide thoughts on how to do this even if you’re not building a new library. Images produced by Nate Vineyard.

77. Trauma-Informed Service with Bryce Kozla

What does providing trauma-informed service look like in libraries? On this show, I speak with Bryce Kozla, Youth Services Librarian at Washington County Cooperative Library Services and a trained facilitator in trauma-informed service. You’ll learn why it’s important to focus on being trauma-informed and what it means in a library context, as well as learn about toxic stress in work interactions, how to apply trauma-informed principles at work, and why workforce wellness is essential in trauma-informed service. 

76. Compassion in Action with Carey Hartmann

How can we lead with compassion? On this show Carey Hartmann, Director of the Laramie County Library System in Cheyenne Wyoming, talks about compassion as a fundamental element for how we serve our communities. I hope this episode of Library Leadership Podcast inspires you and touches your heart as much as it did mine.

75. Creating Effective Policies and Procedures with Carli Spina

How do you tackle the important work of creating effective policies and procedures in your library?

While this sometimes seems like a daunting task it’s essential to keeping our organizations running smoothly. On this show I speak with Carli Spina, Associate Professor and Head of Research and Instructional Services at the Fashion Institute of Technology Library. 

She shares valuable information on why policy and procedure writing is important, how to create effective workflow for this process, how we can evaluate what we already have in place, and how to introduce new policies and procedures to staff and the larger community. 

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