44. Leading Community Change with Barbara Brattin

Barbara Brattin

Have you ever been asked to step up to the plate and show leadership in an unexpected way in your library? Barb Brattin, Director of the Kenosha Public Library in Wisconsin, was and hit it out of the park, both literally and figuratively.

In 2018, her library won the “Power of Libraries Award” from SirsiDynix for important work that involved a broad city initiative to end violence in city parks by making them places where positive activities engaged the community.

It’s a huge success story involving many partners and headed up by a library that was willing to take on the challenge of connecting people and resources for dynamic results. 

43. The Efficient Librarian: Productivity Strategies for the Workplace with Doug Crane

Doug Crane

As information professionals, we have a lot coming at us. Is it possible to keep up with the rapid-fire pace and stay stress free? According to today’s guest, it is. Doug Crane is the Director of the Palm Beach County Library System. He has a blog called the Efficient Librarian and teaches workshops and webinars on this topic.

He explains how to organize our workflow systems, develop our personal knowledge management structures, take effective action-steps for success, and even have an email inbox that is empty at the end of each day. By tuning in, you will get simple steps to make all of this efficiency a reality. https://efficientlibrarian.com/

42. Serving Underserved Populations with Dr. Bobbie Bushman

Dr. Bobbie Bushman

So, here’s an interesting question. If a population is underserved, and possibly not even coming into the library in the first place, how do we serve them? Or, maybe they are coming in and we are not quite sure how to best meet their needs.

There are always opportunities to ask unique populations what is most important to them and then work to break down barriers in order to serve people well. On today’s show, I talk Dr. Bobbie Bushman, Assistant Professor at the Emporia State University School of Library and Information Management.

She has a strong background in serving populations such as the deaf community, incarcerated individuals, children with disabilities, homeschoolers, and homeless individuals. She shares the importance of serving underserved populations and provides ways that we all can initiate this focus, which ultimately benefits the whole community. 


  1. The referenced Emporia video: https://video.emporia.edu/
  2. Lucky Ones Coffee: Link
  3. The Blackbelt Librarian: Link

41. Wholehearted Librarianship with Michael Stephens

Michael Stephens.

Have you ever had someone in your career that has shown compassion and joy in the way they lead and asked yourself how you can grow in similar characteristics? I have, and know that working in an environment that embraces these values feels truly inspiring.

Today’s guest shares with us how we can cultivate a practice of wholehearted librarianship to create an atmosphere in which others feel empowered and supported. Dr. Michael Stephens is an Associate Professor in the School of Information at San Jose State University and author of the book called WholeheartedLibrarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance.

On this show he shares how we can have a profession that is compassionate, kind, and joyful – and find ways to develop a support network of kindred spirits to mentor new librarians in embracing this motivating style.

40. Motivating Your Team with Lauren Hays

How do we increase motivation in the workplace? If we, ourselves, or those around us do not feel satisfied it’s incredibly hard to provide consistently high-level service in our libraries.

Lauren Hays

Today I talk with Dr. Lauren Hays, Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at the University of Central Missouri. She shares excellent information about models for motivation and what they indicate for how we operate.

In this episode we gain useful insights about intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and even learn practical applications for things like how we can use on-boarding and effectiveness in meetings to motivate our teams. Enjoy the show!

39. The Public Library Director’s Toolkit with Kate Hall and Kathy Parker

Kate Hall and Kathy Parker

Have you ever found yourself wishing there was one easy place to go with all of your questions about how to be a public library director? Many people come to positions of leadership in libraries with no formal training or a library degree.

So, where do you start? Whether you’re a current, new, or aspiring director there is a practical guide. On this show, I speak with Kate Hall, a library director since 2010, and Kathy Parker, with 16 years serving as a public library director. Together, they have given us the answers in their book, The Public Library Director’s Toolkit. This valuable resource provides one-stop-shopping for all of our questions about running a public library – from human resources to working with boards to overseeing a budget – it’s all here.

38. The Accidental Library Marketer with Kathy Dempsey

Kathy Dempsey

Have you ever been in the position to market library events or services without ever having a course that taught you how? As libraries, we want to break through the noise of all the other messages that people see every day to share the word about all that we have to offer. Having a marketing mindset can create inroads to those we serve and ensure awareness about all we have to offer our communities.

On this show, I speak with Kathy Dempsey, author of the book The Accidental Library Marketer and former Chair of the Library Marketing and Communications Conference. She offers practical advice that will make you an astute marketer in no time.

37. Sustaining Your Library’s Future in an Uncertain World with Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

How often in libraries do we ask ourselves how we can ensure that our services stay essential and sustainable in the communities we serve? These days, it may be more often than we like.

On today’s show, I speak with Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Executive Director at the Mid-Hudson Library System in New York and author of the book, Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Library’s Future in an Uncertain World. 

She presents globally on topics related to library sustainability and gives us essential guidance that helps us answer the question of how libraries can maintain our important roles in society.

In fact, the American Library Association finds this so essential that it has just adopted sustainability as a core value of librarianship.

36. Libraries and Toxic Leadership: Having the Conversation with Alma Ortega

Alma Ortega

What is toxic leadership and how does it play out in library settings? And why was I, as a podcast host and leader of a library, nervous to talk about this? Research shows that 65% of librarians have experienced toxic leadership in the workplace. In our “librarian-culture-of-nice” this is not always a comfortable topic.

Libraries are a positive force in our culture and should be in the workplace, as well. On this episode of Library Leadership Podcast, I talk with Dr. Alma Ortega, tenured librarian at the University of San Diego Copley Library and author of the book Academic Libraries and Toxic Leadership. She teaches us about the characteristics of organizational toxicity.

Learning about this often-sensitive subject helps us start a conversation in the library profession to inoculate our institutions against the pitfalls of toxic leadership.

35. Utilizing Our Authentic Strengths to Improve Ourselves, Our Teams, and Our Organizations with Fatima Doman

Fatima Doman

We all want to feel positive and engaged in the workplace. However, have you ever wondered how you can actually wake up on Monday morning excited to go to work, as well as foster this same excitement in those around you? On today’s podcast, we talk with Fatima Doman author of the book Authentic Strengths. 

She teaches us how we can create improved happiness and effectiveness in the workplace using positive psychology that capitalizes on our unique strengths. If we work in ways that utilize what we do best, we really can feel excitement about our jobs and appreciate the attributes that our colleagues bring to the table. Fatima shares a system to Explore, Empower, and Engage with our strengths to increase personal effectiveness and create success in our libraries.

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