34. The Value of Relationships in Advocacy with Lance Werner

Lance Werner

Have you ever wanted to be an advocate for your library but weren’t sure where to start? Chances are you’re already doing it in ways you might not have realized.

On today’s show we talk with Lance Werner, Executive Director for Kent District Library, about the difference between formal and informal advocacy and how we all probably already do some this on a daily basis.

With the information on this episode we can all get better at building relationships, maintaining those, and finding ways to intersect our interests with those of decision-makers, and others, who can help us sustain and grow our libraries.

33. A Key to Relevancy: Creating Experiences in Libraries with Ranny Lacanienta

Have you ever wondered how you can handle the many disruptors in libraries that threaten our relevancy?

Today’s guest Ranny Lacanienta, Director of Product Management with SirsiDynix, walks us through the many changes that have taken place in libraries over the past decades.

He shares the importance of creating experiences in libraries as a way to engage patrons for lasting impact. Memorable experiences create ownership, encourage pride, and develop a sense of community. As people meet, convene, and share ideas in spaces that positively engage their senses—librarians develop a ‘product’ that will never become obsolete.

32. How Libraries Can Lead Communities to Thrive with Erica Freudenberger & Margo Gustina

Have you ever experienced in your library parts of the community that are struggling with literacy or perhaps even kids who arrive too hungry to engage? These are just a couple examples of the kinds of things that we all know, as librarians, we can’t solve by ourselves.

It’s best if we work with communities to build coalitions to meet unique needs. On today’s show we talk with two guests who have a program that can help. It’s called Communities + Libraries and begins with the premise that each community has the potential to thrive and that libraries are ideal for helping communities come together to reach their full potential.

You’ll learn about this model that any of us can use to design programs with partners that work for a community’s particular needs. Tune in as we hear from Erica Freudenberger, Outreach Consultant with the Southern Adirondack Library System, and Margo Gustina, Trustee Development Consultant with the Southern Tier Library system, both in New York, about their work, developed by a team, called Communities + Libraries: A Community-First Process. Enjoy the show!  

31. Staff as Our Most Important Customers: Creating a Mission-Informed Library with Amy An

How can we increase staff engagement and commitment to positive patron outcomes? Learn about a management model that holds that our employees are our first, and most important, customers.

If everyone understands our organizational brand, mission, and objectives we can improve service and reduce organizational dysfunction. Marketing to staff may seem like a big job. But, it takes everyone to “shoot for the moon”, as you’ll learn on this show.

30. Creatively Productive: Tackle Time Wasters and Clear Clutter for Success with Lisa Johnson

Have you ever thought to yourself that if you were only more organized you could be more productive? On today’s show Lisa Johnson, an information professional in the school setting provides for us ideas from her book, Creatively Productive, to help tackle time wasters and clear clutter for success.

She shares the importance of having passion and purpose while using the best tools for calming the chaos, both for ourselves and for the information seekers in our organizations. Making sense of it all will be easy after you listen to this show. 

29. How Do We Express Our Worth: Solving the Value Dilemma with Constance Ard

How do we, as librarians, communicate the value of our services? On this show we hear from Constance Ard, the Answer Maven, now utilizing her MSLIS and 20+ years of experience as the Research Services Resource Manager with an international law practice.

As we listen to Constance, we no longer have to be intimidated by expressing our value, nor will our message be lost in a changing world.

28. Assembling Superhero Library Teams with Kevin King

Assembling library teams can be challenging. It can also be a lot of fun, especially if you listen to Kevin King, Head of Branch and Circulation Services at the Kalamazoo(MI)Public Library. Kevin has a unique way to think about bringing together the right heroes for teams and capitalizing on their superpowers.

He shares with us the important archetypes of teams and how to integrate those for great results in superhero style. Need a Hulk on your team? How about a Batman? Find out if you do on this super episode.

27. Who is Your Hero?

A special message of thanks and an invite to share your library heroes with the show. 

26. Assisting Entrepreneurs: Libraries as Launchpads with Eli Guinnee

National Entrepreneurship Week is February, 16-23, 2019. In this special episode of Library Leadership Podcast we explore ideas on how your library can support the local economy by assisting entrepreneurs.

The New Mexico State Library is leading the way in assisting entrepreneurs. They received a grant for $50,000 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)in implementing a creative economy initiative called, “Libraries as Launchpads.”

Want to find out how you can develop services and resources that create entrepreneurial success for individuals and your local economy? Tune in as Eli Guinnee, the State Librarian of New Mexico, shares the importance of libraries being involved in supporting start-ups and creative business ideas.

25. Pushing a Boulder Uphill: Leading Organizational Change with Phil Johnson and Jessica Hayes

Have you ever felt leading organizational change is like the mythical story of Sisyphus, pushing a boulder uphill, only to have it roll down again? If so, you will want to tune into this show as we gain insights that help us lead organizational change, strengthen our skills for this challenge, and engage in techniques that increase success.

Phil Johnson, Dean of the Auburn University at Montgomery Library, and Jessica Hayes, the organization’s Head of Public Services, share their experiences in this area. Tune in to learn that pushing a boulder uphill really can get easier.

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